Axial steel expansion joint with flanges - completely made of stainless steel - Typ BOA 7120 00S-KW

Product information "Axial steel expansion joint with flanges - completely made of stainless steel - Typ BOA 7120 00S-KW"
Axial steel expansion joint with flanges - completely made of stainless steel
Typ BOA 7120 00S-KW
Axial steel expansion joint with flanges for axial or lateral
movement capacity or for removing vibrations.

Bellows: Stainless steel, material type 1.4571
Flanges: 1.4571

The expansion joints (up to PN 16) are tested by the DVGW
to DIN 30 681 and are approved for gas plants. Marking with
the relevant DIN DVGW Reg. No. possible for an additional

We reserve the right to make dimensional and design changes.
Larger nominal widths on request.
Keywords: axial or lateral movement capacity or for removing vibrations
Type: 7120 00S-KW
DN: 25
PN: 40
Connection Type: Flanges
Overall Length [mm]: 148
Axial Movement (complete) [mm]: 18
Lateral Movement (complete) [mm]: 10
Universal Vibration (complete): 0.8
Material: Stainless Steel
Axial (-) [mm]: 9
Axial (+) [mm]: 9
Lateral (-) [mm]: 5
Lateral (+) [mm]: 5
Vibration (-): 0.4
Vibration (+): 0.4


delivery time 4 weeks

Product number: 51422915/40
Overall Length [mm]:
Axial Movement (complete) [mm]:
Lateral Movement (complete) [mm]:
More details

More Variants

Use the textboxes to filter the variants. Click on the column name to sort the results.

ProductNumber DN PN Overall Length [mm] Axial Movement (complete) [mm] Lateral Movement (complete) [mm]
51422921/16 32 16 180 34 20
51423004/25 150 25 305 62 22
51422926/6 40 6 208 44 32
51422891/6 15 6 150 26 14
51422975/16 100 16 324 72 40
51422952/25 65 25 260 46 26
51422922/25 32 25 138 16 4
51422991/25 125 25 305 62 26
51422914/25 25 25 162 24 14
51422996/6 150 6 307 92 32
51422902/10 20 10 162 36 26
51422920/16 32 16 152 22 8
51422967/6 100 6 198 40 8
51423005/40 150 40 201 20 2
51422973/16 100 16 194 24 4
51422985/10 125 10 307 76 32
51422918/10 32 10 172 30 16
51422970/10 100 10 198 40 8
51422994/6 150 6 203 40 6
51422987/16 125 16 285 56 20
51422944/6 65 6 240 54 26
51422974/16 100 16 282 46 20
51422924/40 32 40 146 20 6
51422980/40 100 40 238 40 12
51423001/16 150 16 329 72 30
51423000/16 150 16 285 58 18
51422917/6 32 6 196 40 30
51422977/25 100 25 282 46 20
51422965/40 80 40 176 14 2
51422962/16 80 16 278 54 30
51422900/6 20 6 162 36 26
51422972/10 100 10 302 76 38
51422964/25 80 25 260 46 24
51422911/16 25 16 144 20 8
51422988/16 125 16 329 72 34
51422978/25 100 25 282 56 26
51422966/40 80 40 220 32 12
51422999/16 150 16 199 24 4
51422981/6 125 6 203 40 6
51422969/6 100 6 302 92 46
51422903/16 20 16 136 20 8
51422898/40 15 40 122 14 4
51423003/25 150 25 287 46 14
51422957/6 80 6 256 70 34
51422943/6 65 6 176 30 6
51422906/40 20 40 122 14 4
51422984/10 125 10 203 40 6
51422919/10 32 10 196 40 30
51422948/16 65 16 174 24 4
51422932/25 40 25 170 28 14
51422992/40 125 40 201 20 4
51422925/6 40 6 178 30 16
51422907/6 25 6 160 28 14
51422995/6 150 6 285 76 24
51422979/40 100 40 196 20 4
51422989/25 125 25 199 24 4
51422896/16 15 16 150 30 18
51422951/25 65 25 238 34 16
51422968/6 100 6 278 76 32
51422945/6 65 6 256 70 38
51422942/40 50 40 166 28 10
51422960/16 80 16 174 24 4
51422961/16 80 16 238 46 18
51422936/10 50 10 190 40 18
51422908/6 25 6 158 38 20
51422897/25 15 25 132 20 8
51422929/16 40 16 156 22 8
51422982/6 125 6 285 76 28
51422939/16 50 16 216 48 30
51422901/10 20 10 150 26 14
51422915/40 25 40 148 18 10
51422983/6 125 6 307 92 38
51422947/10 65 10 254 56 30
51422937/10 50 10 206 50 28
51422935/6 50 6 206 50 28
51423006/40 150 40 253 42 10
51422949/16 65 16 236 44 20
51422941/25 50 25 190 38 18
51422905/25 20 25 132 20 8
51422940/25 50 25 166 24 8
51422959/10 80 10 254 56 26
51422956/6 80 6 240 56 24
51422993/40 125 40 253 42 12
51423002/25 150 25 199 24 4
51422916/6 32 6 172 30 16
51422930/16 40 16 192 36 22
51422958/10 80 10 176 30 6
51422909/10 25 10 160 28 14
51422894/10 15 10 162 36 26
51422913/25 25 25 134 14 4
51422986/16 125 16 199 24 4
51422990/25 125 25 287 46 18
51422950/16 65 16 278 54 34
51422899/6 20 6 150 26 14
51422954/40 65 40 220 32 12
51422955/6 80 6 176 30 6
51422963/25 80 25 238 34 14
51422927/10 40 10 178 30 16
51422923/25 32 25 166 28 14
51422997/10 150 10 203 40 6
51422931/25 40 25 144 18 4
51422946/10 65 10 176 30 6
51422892/6 15 6 162 36 26
51422976/25 100 25 194 24 4
51422928/10 40 10 208 44 32
51422971/10 100 10 280 56 24
51422910/10 25 10 158 38 20
51422998/10 150 10 307 76 28
51422912/16 25 16 172 28 20
51422893/10 15 10 150 26 14
51422938/16 50 16 166 30 10
51422895/16 15 16 136 20 8
51422933/40 40 40 154 22 8
51422904/16 20 16 150 30 18
51422953/40 65 40 176 14 2